Chitravadi Narasimha Temple near Madhuranthakam

Chitravadi Sri Narasimha Temple

Madhuranthakam, the small temple town named after Madhuranthakam Lake near Chengalpattu is famous for Sri Ramar Temple. Here Lord Rama is called as Eri Kaatha Ramar which means Rama who saved the lake. The town encompasses the lake and the temple.

At a distance of 8 kilometers from here is situated ‘Chitravadi’, a small village’ enroute Cheyyar. A Religious Trust had established a few temples here under the title ‘Naya Thirupathi’ meaning New Thirupathi.

One can reach Chitravadi by local bus from Madhuranthakam. The bus stops near the Trust Building. Near that, a road welcomes us to Naya Thirupathi. At the starting point on the road, ‘Prasanna Venkatesa Perumal’ temple is situated.

Prasanna Venkatesa Perumal

The temple is serene, calm and quiet. The priest stays in a house inside the temple.  Perumal here is in standing posture with a smiling face.

Outer Prakaram

On seeing devotees, the priest comes out of his house and does pooja.  After completion of pooja of perumal, we can go around the temple to see Mahalakshmi and Ganapathi sanctums. The temple is surrounded by flower garden and is the perfect place for meditation.

After coming out of the temple, we have to walk along the curvy road and on our left, we have to get down on the mud path. Few feet away, we can spot the twin linga peedam, i.e two shiv lingams in one peedam.

This place is called as rettai sivan temple which means double or twin lingams. There is space for doing the round and building is yet to be built. (As in 2016).

If we go straight for a few feet and turn right, we can sight a small hill. At the foot of the hill, we can see a big Narasimha temple. Here Narasimhar sanctum is made of glass.  There is a Narasimha Navagraha sanctum. Outside the sanctum, separate sanctums for Lakshmi and Lord Shani are kept.

Outside this temple, the steps for the hill top starts.

Temple steps

There are roughly about 250 steps. They are really rough steps carved / cut out of stones.  The stones are uneven and varied in height, length and breadth.  The place is abundant with our ancestors (monkeys). They are said to be gentle.

If one prays ardently to Sri Narasimha on the way up, there is a chance that there is no interference from monkeys. The air is fresh, the atmosphere is serene and one can commune with nature with no stray thoughts. The path goes round and round. The hill shrine is not visible unless one reaches the top.

Sanctum view

Once we reach the top of the hill, we can see the temple which is in the form of Lord Narasimha’s face. The entrance is the opened mouth of Sri Narasimha and one steps inside walking on the tongue of Sri Narasimha. The sanctum is for Sri Lakshmi Narasimha who is calm and happy with Sri Lakshmi on his lap. The eyes are benevolent and kind.

We are asked to wait for pooja and aarathi. After aaradhana, the archaka gives us theertham and few flowers which adorn the deity. We are then asked to do the circumbulation both inside and outside the sanctum.

Parikrama path

After aarathi here, the priest comes down with us to the Sri Narasimha Temple at the bottom of the Hill.  Here, Sri Narasimha is the replica of the one atop the hill. The only difference is that here the murthy is in a glass ensemble.

There is also a Nava Narasimha Sannidhi where all the Grahams (planet) are installed in the forms of Sri Narasimha Swamy.

Nava Narasimha Sannidhi

The temples are situated in quite quiet place. For those seeking peace of mind and benevolence from God can visit this place. It will be a good exercise for mind, body and soul.

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